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Services & Techniques


Chiropractic is a licensed health care profession that emphasizes the body’s ability to heal itself. Treatment typically involves manual therapy, often including spinal manipulation. Other forms of treatment, such as exercise and nutritional counseling, may be used as well.


Chiropractors approach patient care in a manner similar to that used in conventional medicine. They interview the patient, obtain a detailed health history, perform an examination, do tests, and develop a working diagnosis. They then develop a management plan, start treatment, and monitor the patient’s progress. Chiropractors often treat problems related to the musculoskeletal system. The manual treatment methods used by chiropractors range from stretching and sustained pressure to specific joint manipulations, which are usually delivered by hand and involve a quick and gentle thrust. The purpose of the manipulations is to improve joint motion and function. Manipulations are most commonly done on the spine, but other parts of the body may also be treated in this way. (3)


Dr. Bourne utilizes various chiropractic techniques in his practice including Sacro Occipital Technique and Graston Technique (see below for more information).

Nutritional Counseling

Dr. Bourne incorporates Nutrition in his practice to support his patient’s as they heal and to help them hold adjustments. He utilizes well known supplement brands like Standard Process and MediHerb to provide high quality, whole food and herbal nutritional supplements to meet his patient’s needs.


Learn More - HERE


Order Standard Process & MediHerb Online Today!

Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)

SOT or Sacro Occipital Technique is a method of normalizing the relationship between the foundation of the spine (sacrum) to the top of the spine (occiput).


SOT is a commonly used chiropractic technique designed to reduce or eliminate pain or disorders in the craniospinal, TMJ, head, neck, back and pelvis, extremities (foot, ankle, knee, and hip as well as hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder) and in specific cases improve organ function.


Through the use of specific indicators, location, and correction of body patterns, or categories, a system of before and after treatment tests can be applied to evaluate need for care and whether the care was successful.


SOT offers very specific methods that are effective and specific for each individual patient’s needs. Each patient is treated individually, and in some instances, other SOT methods are needed to improve function of organs (CMRT – chiropractic manipulative reflex technique), cranial bone and TMJ (jaw), and foot, ankle, knee, hip as well as hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder function. (4)

Graston Technique

Graston Technique® (GT) Therapy is an evidence-based form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) that allows for precise detection and treatment of fascial restrictions as well as muscle and tendon dysfunction. Following the kinetic chain, GT Therapy Providers can target and specifically treat affected tissues often resolving issues once thought to be permanent utilizing specifically designed instruments. (5)


Graston Technique therapy is successful in effectively treating all soft tissue conditions, whether they are chronic, acute, or post-surgical. This unique technique and instruments enable the treatment of scar tissue and fascial restrictions during rehabilitation that allows for faster rehabilitation and with greater success when the goal is restoring range of motion, eliminating pain, and restoring normal function. (6)


How it works - 

Heart Sound Recorder

The Heart Sound Recorder is a computer based, low risk general wellness monitor which uses the principles of auscultation to acquire, display, record, and save heart sounds.


Certain types of heart stress can be monitored by visualizing the rate, rhythm and tone of the heart cycle. As a result, the heart’s reaction to certain stressors, i.e. chemical, nutritional and emotional, can be observed using this type of device. The response to informed suggestions can be monitored by observing changes of the frequency, ratio, amplitude and characteristics of the heart’s waveform. Comparison graphs can help determine the effectiveness of actions taken to improve the quality of life.


As with any wellness device, recommendations for lifestyle changes implied by using this technology should be undertaken only with the guidance of a licensed physician, therapist, or holistic healthcare practitioner. The findings from this device can be used to support, but should not be used in place of, sound medical therapies and recommendations. (1)


How it works -


Zyto is a medical scanning device that presents questions in the form of digital signatures that the body answers directly. The Zyto Hand Cradle measures the body’s galvanic skin response to each unique signature and sends the data directly to the software for analysis. Zyto is not intended to be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions, but rather findings from this device can be used to support health. (2)


For more information -


How it works -


Acupressure is a technique that activates specific spots on the body, known as Acupressure Points. These Acupressure Points have high electrical conductivity at the surface of the skin, and thus conduct and channel healing energy most effectively. (7)


Dr. Bourne uses Acupressure to remove energy blockages and relieve tension, stress, and pain, as well as to support the healing of emotions and trauma. 


1 (Welcome to the Heart Sound Recorder, 2021)

2 (Zyto, 2021)

3 (Chiropractic: In Depth , 2021)

4 (SOTO-USA, 2021)

5 (Clinicians, 2021)

6 (Benefits of Graston Technique Therapy, 2021)

7 (Acupressure Points, 2021)

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